Roof guy work again featured

Roof guy: the work continues… Again.

Against all expectations, roof guy did show up the next week.

On Wednesday.

With two new workers, instead of the two of last week. Those were Polish, but at least spoke English, so we could communicate. The new ones were Polish as well, but didn’t speak English. Or Dutch. Or French. Or any other language except Polish.

Boy oh boy did we have all the luck…

Somehow roof guy managed to communicate with them, even though he didn’t speak a word Polish (or decent English for that matter).

So they started working were the previous crew left off:

Roof behind cover 1

Off came the remaining tiles at the back, and the open construction was covered up against the rain.

Roof behind cover upside

Then they started the same thing on the front, taking down all the tiles first…

Roof front taking away tiles

… and then cover it all up against the rain.

Roof front cover

And rain it did that week. During the rain they did some masonry, to have the walls back up to the panels again.

Roof behind masonry 1

Roof behind masonry 2

Roof behind masonry 3

And by Friday evening, 4PM-ish, they were gone again. Just as last week I inquired about Saturday, and yet again I got an answer he didn’t do the “work on Saturday” thing… Two weeks into the works and we have a roof without tiles, covered up, and about one quarter done with the sandwich panels… Roof guy was boasting it would be done in three weeks before he started. That seemed a little over-confident at that time, and this was just proving him wrong…

But onwards to week three, and hope they get the most out of it!